Jackie Mitchell

April 1, 1931 Jackie Mitchell was on the Lookout’s  baseball team .She was the pitcher of the Lookout’s .It was April fool’s day it was actual a  April fool’s  because Jackie Mitchell was the first girl to pitch on a baseball team .The Lookout’s are going against the Yankee’s baseball team .Babe Ruth is up for batting .Jackie got ready to pitch .Strike one for Babe Ruth !  Jackie pitched 2 times .The  umpire came to  inspect the ball .The ball was normal .Babe Ruth got striked out  by Jackie  Mitchell .Lou Gehrig was next to bat he swinged he missed it .Jackie pitched it the 4 time Lou Gehrig missed the ball .  Jackie Mitchell striked out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in 1931 .  Jackie Mitchell was the first girl to pitch on a baseball team and to strike out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.