There was a owl named Fatty . She has always wanted to go to Splash Kingdom .One day when Fatty came home from school ,she went into the livingroom . She plopped down on the couch and watched tv.
Then out of nowhere there was a fairy . The fairy said “ Hello you’re probably wondering why I’m here to grant you a wish . “ Fatty couldn’t believe what she was seeing The fairy said ” So what are you going to wish Fatty ” . Fatty said , “ I wish that I can go to Splash Kingdom with a friend . The fairy said “ Your wish is granted tomorrow you will go to Splash Kingdom with a friend .
That same night Fatty called her friend Bren . “ Ring “! “ Ring “ ! Bren answered , “Hey what’s up “ . Fatty said ‘“ I’m going to Splash Kingdom Bren tomorrow you want to go with me “ ! Bren said “ Yes “! That night Bren came over to spend the night . They got all their stuff ready for tomorrow . Then they went to sleep. That morning they got ready and got their stuff to go . Out of nowhere they were at Splash Kingdom . Fatty and Bren went up a lot of stairs . They both said you can touch a airplane up here ! “
Finally it was Fatty and Bren’ s turn to go down the slide . They were so excited ! They got in the tube . Then the worker pushed them down . “ Zoom , Splash “ ! They were having fun until ………………. “ Splash , Splash , Squeak , Screech “ ! “ Oh no , we are stuck Bren “ ! Fatty and Bren started yelling , “ Help ,Help “ ! Nobody answered they yelled again ‘ . “ Help, Help “ !
All of a sudden they heard a noise . It was that fairy again ! “ Thank goodness you’re here , “ Fatty said ! Fairy said “ I will grant you another wish but , only one “ ! Bren and Fatty said , “ We wish we were back at home “! Whoosh !!!!
They were at home before a tiger could ever get there ! Fatty said “ I’m so glad we are home , Bren “ ! Bren said “ Me too Fatty , me too “. Both Bren and Fatty said “ They never want to go their again “ ! They both learned to be careful for what you wish f.or